算子开发 - cuda syntax



1.1 Declaring functions

Global functions are also called "kernels". It's the functions that you may call from the host side using CUDA kernel call semantics (<<<...>>>).

__global__ declares kernel, which is called on host and executed on device
__device__ declares device function, which is called and executed on device
__host__ declares host function, which is called and executed on host
__noinline__ to avoid inlining
__forceinline__ to force inlining

1.2 Declaring variables

__device__ declares device variable in global memory, accessible from all threads, with lifetime of application
__constant__ declares device variable in constant memory, accessible from all threads, with lifetime of application
__shared__ declares device varibale in block's shared memory, accessible from all threads within a block, with lifetime of block
__restrict__ standard C definition that pointers are not aliased

1.3 build-in variables

Grid and Blocks: In CUDA, a grid is composed of blocks, and each block contains multiple threads. Both grids and blocks can be organized in 1D, 2D, or 3D layouts.

If you have a 2D grid of 3x2 blocks (gridDim.x = 3, gridDim.y = 2) and each block is 4x4 threads (blockDim.x = 4, blockDim.y = 4), then:

• blockIdx.x could be 0, 1, or 2, representing the horizontal position of the block.
• blockIdx.y could be 0 or 1, representing the vertical position of the block.
• threadIdx.x could be 0, 1, 2, or 3, representing the position within the block horizontally.
• threadIdx.y could be 0, 1, 2, or 3, representing the position within the block vertically.

This combination allows each thread in the grid to have a unique identifier, which is crucial for parallel processing on the GPU.

blockIdx represents the index of the current block in a grid of thread blocks.
threadIdx threadIdx specifies the index of the thread within its block.

